Monday, January 28, 2013

My Miscarriage

After finding out I was pregnant on our 1-Year Wedding Anniversary in December, I had to fly overseas - twice. The first flight was okay. I didn't have anything I could describe as symptoms other than my own likely hypochondria as I was still a week out from a missed period and still quite convinced that the positive pregnancy test had been a fluke - a mistake.

The pregnancy was confirmed by a doctor a few days before I had to fly overseas again. Now it was official and yet, I was still just around the point of a missed period - WAY too early to tell anyone because there was such a strong likelihood that it would not "take."

Monday, January 21, 2013

Finding Out - the First Time

When we got married, I was clear that I wanted to wait at least one year before even thinking about babies. I loved our new life together. I loved the freedom we had to travel at the drop of a hat, go out to dinner, stay out late, do whatever we pleased as newlyweds. I wasn't ready for it to change.

A few days before our one-year anniversary I had some bizarre pains in my abdomen and had been feeling a bit under the weather. In trying to describe the pains to my husband I kept saying, "It's unlike anything I've ever felt before." Suddenly I realized, if I'd never felt it before, it might be the indication of something new.