Ever since finding out that I was pregnant, I was waiting for symptoms, worrying about my lack of symptoms, imagining maybe I had symptoms, but no. Nothing.
Last Wednesday, I hit the 6-Week mark and was told that symptoms generally kick in around 6-8 weeks and can last all the way through the second trimester - if not longer. I was told to be grateful I'd gotten a few weeks down, symptom free.
I still worried about my lack of symptoms. With my miscarriage in December, I had every symptom in the book, very early. So it felt weird to know I was pregnant and yet, not feel pregnant in any way whatsoever.
I spent a lot of time groping my breasts, checking to see if they were sore yet. Then, finally, on Friday, they felt sore. Of course, I wasn't sure if they were sore because I was starting to get some symptoms, or if they were sore because I had been poking and prodding them for days.
I have had cramps for almost a week now. It's uncomfortable and comes and goes, but by no means, unmanageable.
I've been nauseous for the past few days, but again, it seemed quite mild. Totally manageable. I've had some hangovers from hell - more than I'd like to admit - so I felt very well prepared to deal with the occasional bout of nausea and I hadn't felt anywhere near vomiting.
But today it happened. I puked. I was nauseous this morning and we had to run out of the house early before I was able to eat anything more substantial than an apple. By the time we got to our first destination, my stomach hurt and things were starting to spin ever so slightly. I went to the ladies room to tend to my upset stomach and afterwards, I stood in the public restroom waiting to see what happened, not willing to inflict it on myself just yet, despite the "promise" of relief on the other side of Pukesville. I really wanted to see how far I could get without having to vomit. I got as far as the next stall. Out came the apple, all by itself. And it was awful. And I didn't feel any kind of relief afterward.
As the day progressed and I got some real food in my stomach - i.e. Taco Bell - I felt much better. But I also realized the "grace period" of a symptom free pregnancy is likely over and I must prepare myself for the storm of symptoms that is bubbling up just under the surface.
And so it begins... Bring it on hormones. I'm ready for ya!
Here are some great resources for finding some relief from morning sickness. I've found these tips helpful.
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