Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Six Weeks and the Stuff I've Decided Not to Worry About

Today, according to "The Bump" and "WhatToExpect" our little sweet pea is the size of, you guessed it, a sweet pea!

I still don't have any significant symptoms but I'm feeling more hopeful with everyday that passes without incident.

This past week, the top topics of interest for me were regarding hot baths and peanut butter.

I've often heard peanut butter is bad for pregnant women - other studies suggest that women who eat peanuts during pregnancy have babies with peanut allergies, while others suggest no issue whatsoever and that peanuts are an excellent source of nutrients. Net, net, the research is inconclusive at best. I'm going to take my chances with the peanut butter and simply eat it in moderation, maybe once a week.

As for hot baths, another question mark hangs in the air, depending on what source you consult. My overall takeaway is that if the water isn't scalding hot, if I don't stay in for super long, and if I don't continue to fill the tub with more hot water (thus letting it cool naturally over the course of the bath) there is no way it would raise my temperature to a level that would be detrimental to the pregnancy. I think of it this way: My mother ONLY took baths ever and I turned out just fine, sort of. :) And I've read that your body will tell you if you start to get overheated. If you feel hot - get out. If the water scalds your foot what you try to get in - don't get in yet.

Hot tubs are a definite no-no because the temperature is generally over 101 degrees and people are inclined to stay in them longer, but a warm bath should be just fine. Another moderate "chance" I am willing to take because logic seems to outweigh inconclusive research. Pwincy needs her baths, now more than ever.

On Monday, I had to take a pregnancy test at the doctor's office so that they could confirm the pregnancy in their files. Apparently, my four positive home tests weren't enough. Though I am 40 days since my last period and have seen 2 sets of double lines and 2 digital confirmations of my "condition," a part of me was still convinced the doctor's test would come back negative. I heard the phone call in my mind while I waited for my phone to actually ring.

"Um... the test was actually negative Ma'am." More invasive tests, poking and prodding and follow-ups for follow-ups. When the phone rang at the end of the day and, instead, the voice on the other end said, "The test was positive! You are in fact pregnant!" It was like hearing it for the first time, finding out for the first time. I was surprised and excited and it all felt just a little more real now that there was a big fat POSITIVE on a form in the doctor's office.

So, I made it another week. I haven't told anyone else yet but I did schedule some more doctor's appointments. Monday, I will go for an "intake" appointment where they will ask me hundreds of questions - to which I will probably only know the answer to a few. After that, they will schedule my first ultrasound. I may tell my best girlfriends after this ultrasound. I'm thinking I could email them the picture - if there is anything to see - with a caption that reads "Coming Soon..." We'll see. I'm just taking it one-day-at-a-time, trying to make good choices without giving in to pregnancy paranoia and looking forward to more good news to come!

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